miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Learning English in the BBC web site

The BBc learning english web site is a new form to learn english, is more innovator, practice and bettre than many other sites or traditional forms or methods.
I searh for 30 minutes and i found a lot of kind of exercices. first listening exercices, then questions about a text, we can choose many diferent text, there are alternative questions, quizzes and exams and many others things.
Other important things are the teachers and the flatmates, are incredible, but my favorite section is the comentary box, is amazing , is an alternative-listening exercise, it talks about a soccer game. I learned with this. I try before to learn english but never i think that was very funny and practice, this site really enjoy me.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

I'm going to talk about a web site that I enjoy visiting, this site is http://www.deremate.cl/, this is avery funny web site. I remember thath six month ago I wanted to change my computer but I didnt have any money, I dindnt know what to do, but one day a friend told me if know this site, he said that the site was very good for buy and sell, and I try. I sell my old computer in only five days since I publicated the pc.

It is a very reliable site. in this site you can see the reputation of the other people and you can choose if is a reliable or nonreliable peolpe.
I visit this site everydays, to look my products or look for somethings that i was searching or i need, this site is very usefull, it is great.
I recomend it to you.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Creating the city of the future.

This is a planification dedicated to study and create the best distribution and management for the city.
The most important object is create an unpolluted and security city, and this city is designed for thath because the structure of the city was designed for shorts distances, the expansion of this city is orientaded of vertical form. This city has a lot of subways and undergraunds and high buildings for example skyscraper, that is a very good political-economical measure because short times of transport means more time for produccion, family and recreation, in short words a better life quality.
This is a security city, all the places of it are provided of security guard and security cam.
But one of the most important things is that the city is very ecological and the good disribution of that allow to have many parks and green areas, it help to the people to be relax and make a better society.